It could look something like this:
Or... well, we're sure you can do better than us.
You could also stencil the local stray cat*, sticker the back of your boss' car, or perhaps your local tranny performer’s crotch (with her permission of course!) - whatever you heart desires. [Disclaimer: SUFF takes no responsibility for where their image ends up.] As long as the SUFF logo is clearly visible - although obviously the more creative, out there and just plain weird it is, the more we going to like it.
If you would like a stencil sent to you, you can also email Jane for this - or better still, make your own! AND you can enter as many times as you like! We will be giving away DVDs, festival passes, stickers, tshirts and more! Entries will be posted right here, and occasionally on facebook and twitter.
Winners will be declared randomly throughout June, July and August 2011.
*Please use edible colouring. Cats are people too.